Christian AdamsWest Virginia, USA

    West Virginia USA

    Christian Adams is a medical student in the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University. A hopeful, one-day integrative psychiatrist with four years experience working in the mental health field, Christian began exploring mindfulness as a core tenet of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. After falling in love with the practice and seeing its effects firsthand on patients, he became a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher at the McLean Meditation Institute.

    Using mindfulness-based talk therapies, such DBT and MBCT, and holistic health practices, Christian hopes to reduce the amount of pharmaceuticals prescribed to patients. His goal as a meditation teacher outside the hospital is to Mainstream Meditation—making it an accessible and practical practice that fits into any lifestyle, and thus bringing it into as many schools, homes, and lives as possible.

    In addition, he also enjoys reading and drinking coffee with his furry feline friends, watching drama and Disney-Pixar films, spending time with his supportive family and human friends, adventuring into the wilderness, and exploring the various healing practices of cultures around the world.


    The Mainstream Meditator

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