Lynne Smith, NPWaukesha, Wisconsin

    Wisconsin USA


    Lynne is a board-certified obstetrics and gynecologic nurse practitioner with a Masters degree in nursing from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and has worked for over 30 years in the healthcare field. Anchored in evidence-based, professional medical practices and clinical work in OB/GYN, Lynne now includes mindfulness and meditation as part of her well-being repertoire. These practices are grounded in neuroscience and supported by extensive research proving their many psychological, physical and spiritual benefits. Lynne’s own personal practice has transformed her life in significant ways, including the ability to navigate through life with inner peace.

    Lynne is passionate about de-mystifying meditation and making it accessible to everyone. As a certified meditation & mindfulness teacher through the McLean Meditation Institute, Lynne teaches individuals as well as groups of all ages. In addition to teaching 2–3 hour classes, Lynne teaches 3-week and 8-week courses. She teaches high school students in the classroom and at youth conferences, as well as staff at medical and social service clinics.

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