Robin C. Wackernah, Pharm.D., BCPPLakewood, Colorado

Robin (Santosha) is a Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist, Affiliate Professor at Regis University, and a McLean Meditation Institute Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher. She works on a traumatic brain injury team at Craig Hospital.

As a high school student, Robin learned how to meditate with a teacher who said it would help with concentration.  Throughout her life, she has meditated for stress relief, increased concentration, and overall peacefulness.  She has learned from  Buddhist Monks, yoga teachers, and martial arts instructors. When she saw how students were open to learning these practices to help with stress, she decided she wanted to learn as much as she could about meditation and its many benefits so she could teach her students and patients.

Robin is committed to sharing the practice of meditation to all those who are interested and believes the world will be a much more peaceful place when meditation is as common as having breakfast.  She teaches in the Lakewood, Colorado area. She can be reached via email:

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