Reclaim Your Power!

I’ve spent much of my life seeking peace. I’ve explored the world’s spiritual and mystic traditions: living in a Zen Buddhist monastery, meditating in ashrams and temples throughout India and the Far East, and teaching English to Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in Dharamsala.  I’ve also worked with some of today’s great teachers, including Deepak Chopra, Byron Katie, Debbie Ford, and Gary Zukav. Read more about Sarah.

Though many say I’m blessed to have had all of these fantastic experiences, and I am, I realize that the way to truly finding peace has nothing to do with where I’ve traveled, with whom I’ve worked, or what I’ve accomplished.  Instead, I discovered the key to peace isn’t somewhere else or in another time or place, the key to peace is hidden in plain sight, right here, right now. You see, what I had been looking for all along, was what was looking.

Though the outside world may influence, delight, or stress you out, underneath all the buzz, there’s a center of ever-present calm and peacefulness that you can find inside yourself, anytime.  And all you have to do is pay attention to it, tune into it.

As you read the words on this page, turn your attention to the one who’s reading them. The one who is experiencing all things. You’ll experience for a moment the presence of YOU. This aspect of you is ever-present, it is the witness to your life, it is your inner self, beyond the external measures of this world. It has been with you since the day you were born. Some people call it your soul or your spirit, but I call it your center of peace, or your soul-center. If you turn your attention inward, often, you will deeply know this peaceful part of you, become more integrated with it, and access it anytime you like.

This soul-center is the source of your attention. Your attention arises from it. And your attention is powerful – full of power.  The kind of attention I am talking about is non-judgmental, welcoming, loving attention. And it energizes and enlivens all things in your life. What you pay attention to and how you pay attention is how you use your power. And so it’s important to be wise about it. When you take charge of what you are paying attention to, you can lead a more peaceful, fulfilling and creative life.

Here are some ways you can reclaim your power:

  • Determine how you focus.
    Are you present to what is actually happening in your life and what’s going on around you, or are you distracted? If you find you’re often not paying attention to what’s going on, or how you are feeling, or your own intuition – but are instead focused on the past or the future, you can make a choice to refocus your attention back to the moment at hand.  You can become more mindful, a practice of engaging your senses and your attention in the present moment, to what you are doing and experiencing your life without judgement. This helps you to be more engaged, to savor your life. When you keep your focus on the present moment, you will access your own wisdom and power. This helps you to make better choices, become more aware of your feelings, find inspiration, and access your creativity. Choose to spend time in this moment. You can do it. This is where your life is.
  • Notice what ‘captures’ your attention.
    What you focus your attention on is enlivened in your life. So decide what you actually want to focus on. Then notice what grabs your attention away from that. Your attention is your power. You can take your power back by determining what you want to see, what you want to experience, and what you want to enliven in your life, and keep your eyes out for that.  This doesn’t mean to ignore reality, it simply means a shift in perception. For example, rather than looking for what’s wrong’, choose to see ‘what’s right.’  Or, notice how life is happening ‘for you’ rather than ‘to you.’ When you reclaim your attention, you reclaim your power.
  • Be more self-aware.
    During the day, as you practice present moment awareness, frequently turn your attention inward and feel the sensations within your body and the sensations of breathing. This helps you to become more self-aware and to notice your body’s responses to the choices you are faced with. Your body and breath don’t lie. Experience all sensations, not just the ‘good’ ones, this helps you to keep the stress levels down. If you notice you feel uncomfortable, unloved, or unhappy, don’t distract yourself, or talk yourself into something else. Instead, feel all of your feelings. Choose to meet life with an open mind: instead of assigning labels, judgments, or letting preconceived notions stand in your way of feeling your feelings, or seeing clearly, take on a beginner’s mind, a clear mind, as you experience life as it is.
  • Be nicer to yourself.
    Give yourself the loving attention you seek. How do you feel about you? How are you treating others?  What do you say to yourself over and over? Instead of focusing on how others treat you or feel about you, or trying to please or compare yourself to others, take your power back. Notice your internal dialogue and sweeten it up. Make choices that are in your integrity.  Honor yourself and others by being truly honest with yourself and them. Instead of saying yes when you mean no, or no when you mean yes, tell the truth. Take your power back by staying in your integrity  – say what you mean and choose more nourishing situations or environments, whether it’s the company you keep, the food you eat, or the environment you are in.
  • Time out for a time in.
    Give yourself time every day to be quiet and still through meditation. Choose a simple practice that will allow you to turn your attention inward and connect with this source of your attention. A daily practice will help you to take your power back as you train yourself to focus more clearly, be more present to the moment at hand, and choose what you want to focus on, and being more inner-self-aware. Meditation also helps you to take your power back from your dependence on the ever-changing external world and ‘stuff’, including your environment, possessions, successes, failures, and other people’s opinions. Instead, you will be more soul-centered as you discover who you truly are, what you truly feel, what you really want, what truly matters to you, and where your true source of happiness lies.

It is possible to take your power back by becoming aware of how you pay attention, choosing what you pay attention to, becoming more self aware, being kinder to yourself, and regularly connecting to the source of your attention. Becoming aware of your awareness gives you the key to experiencing peace, joy, fulfillment and creativity. You don’t even have to leave your living room to do it.

Sarah McLean
Sarah McLean is an acclaimed teacher and thought leader who is determined to create more peace on this planet by helping people wake up to the wonder and beauty of their lives and the world around them through the practices of meditation and mindfulness. She inspires audiences everywhere blending the spirit of Zen wisdom with Vedic knowledge and self-inquiry. She helps demystify meditation and makes it accessible to anyone. It was over 30 years ago when she began her daily meditation practice, and moved in to a Transcendental Meditation community. There, she received advanced training in meditation and studied Ayurveda. Since 1993, when she became the education director for Deepak Chopra’s Center for Mind Body Health, she's been teaching contemplative practices and mind/body health. In 1997, she went to India to live in a traditional ashram in India, When she returned to the States, spent two years as a resident trainee in a Zen Buddhist monastery. She fell in love with Self-inquiry and served as the director of Byron Katie's School for the Work. In 2012, she founded the McLean Meditation Institute, home of the Meditation Teacher Academy which certifies meditation and mindfulness teachers through its 300-hour teacher training program. Sarah is also the co-director of the Feast for the Soul, a nonprofit, now in its 17th year. Her bestseller, Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation, and her most recent book, The Power of Attention: Awakening to Love have received rave reviews. She now lives in Santa Barbara, California where she trains meditation teachers and offers online classes and lives a life she loves.
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