Keys to Living a Sweet Life

Here are some practices essential to adopt for your everyday self-care for a beautiful and sweet New Year …… Sit in silence and meditate for at least 30 minutes each day. (All at once, or two [...]

Happy Days (Holidays) are Here Again!

Great Tips for Making the Best of the Holidays! The holidays are here again! Are you still in the state of gratitude from Thanksgiving? Or are you feeling more overwhelmed than grateful as you [...]

Cultivating the Gratitude Attitude

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a [...]

Forest Bathing & Mindful Walking

Have you ever been forest bathing? You’ve likely spent time in the woods, but perhaps you’ve never called it bathing. Forest bathing is a popular practice that has had its resurgence. [...]

Peacefinder Practices

Find Peace Again if Your Zen gets Zapped When you regularly engage in a seated, formal mindfulness practice such as a Mindful Breath Awareness or a Mindful Body Scan, the over-reactivity of the [...]

Advice for a New Meditator

When new meditators come to me for advice, I get excited. That’s because there are so many misconceptions about meditation, I like to set the record straight. I wish someone had done that [...]

Community Practice with Sarah McLean

Sarah offers free guided meditations and discussions online.  Connect deeply with your Self and others on a journey to awakening with meditation. Experience a different meditation practice each [...]

Tips for Guiding the Best Meditations

1. Be sure you meditate.  Guiding a meditation and doing your own practice are two different things. Get your own practice in first. Be mindful when you enter the meditation space (virtual or 3D) [...]

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