Why Should I go on a Retreat?

Reconnect to the deepest part of you at a meditation retreat. Have a little time off? Do more than just go on vacation. Make your next vacation meaningful. Make your vacation one of peace, [...]

Meeting Challenges with Love

What a challenging time on our planet. I don’t even watch the news because it is so disturbing. Instead, I keep on teaching peace. I pray. I meditate. I take inspired action. I try to [...]

Your Attention: Your Superpower

Twenty-five years ago when I first started meditating, it all seemed very mysterious, very mystical, and very foreign to my family and friends. But today, meditation and mindfulness have enjoyed [...]

Leading with Heart

Years ago I received a Service Leadership Award from Sustainable Arizona, an educational non-profit organization that I co-founded. Sustainable Arizona was formed to teach Arizonan’s how to [...]

5 Steps Towards True Meditation

As a yogini, meditation has come up quite a bit in my practice over the years. One of my teachers has advocated for at least one hour of meditation time in a day. In that hour I learn to still

Zen Stories to Enlighten

Zen Stories are infused with wisdom, and are considered kōans — a fundamental part of the tradition of Zen Buddhism. They are designed to stop the rational mind so one can transcend the I [...]

Stress-Free Living

Lightness of Being Stress-free Living Through Meditation Don’t you just love it when you’ve had a day or two when you felt completely in harmony with yourself and life? Perhaps you [...]

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation I wasn’t brought up in a very religious fashion but was familiar with prayer. My mother, who grew up Catholic and went to Mass every Sunday as a girl, now lights candles and [...]