Keys to Living a Sweet Life

Here are some practices essential to adopt for your everyday self-care for a beautiful and sweet New Year …… Sit in silence and meditate for at least 30 minutes each day. (All at once, or two [...]

Peacefinder Practices

Find Peace Again if Your Zen gets Zapped When you regularly engage in a seated, formal mindfulness practice such as a Mindful Breath Awareness or a Mindful Body Scan, the over-reactivity of the [...]

Advice for a New Meditator

When new meditators come to me for advice, I get excited. That’s because there are so many misconceptions about meditation, I like to set the record straight. I wish someone had done that [...]

What is Going On in Meditation?

If you are reading this you have probably have already meditated for the first time – even  if it had only been for a few minutes. And, you are probably wondering what’s next? or How long do I [...]

What is a Mystical Experience?

When was the last time you felt in deep communion with creation? Perhaps it was while you were hiking that the wind in the trees and the birdsongs charmed you. Or maybe it was a vibrant sunset [...]

Alone Together: Online Meditations

With the news of the Corona Virus and the subsequent lockdowns, popular McLean Meditation Institute faculty and teachers offered daily free online meditations for 9 months, nearly every [...]

Time Out for a Time In

Stressed out? Probably. It is a reality that most of us face. Some people say financial concerns cause stress. Others say their stress comes from a family situation. For many, their job is the [...]

Negative Side Effects of Meditation:

Meditation and mindfulness training is more popular than ever before. Due to this increase in popularity, the imagined commercial potential is attracting enterprising business people because, [...]

5 Steps Towards True Meditation

As a yogini, meditation has come up quite a bit in my practice over the years. One of my teachers has advocated for at least one hour of meditation time in a day. In that hour I learn to still

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