Alone Together: Online Meditations

With the news of the Corona Virus and the subsequent lockdowns, popular McLean Meditation Institute faculty and teachers offered daily free online meditations for 9 months, nearly every [...]

Time Out for a Time In

Stressed out? Probably. It is a reality that most of us face. Some people say financial concerns cause stress. Others say their stress comes from a family situation. For many, their job is the [...]

Is the World a Friendly Place?

How do you view the world? Do you feel as if everything and everyone is on your side? Do you marvel at the good luck you have? If your answer is “yes”, perhaps it’s because you [...]

Loving Cancer

In the early 90’s, Deepak Chopra was becoming well-known as a physician at the forefront of the mind-body healing.  His best sellers, Perfect Health and Quantum Healing were discovered by those [...]

Negative Side Effects of Meditation:

Meditation and mindfulness training is more popular than ever before. Due to this increase in popularity, the imagined commercial potential is attracting enterprising business people because, [...]

Your Attention: Your Superpower

Twenty-five years ago when I first started meditating, it all seemed very mysterious, very mystical, and very foreign to my family and friends. But today, meditation and mindfulness have enjoyed [...]

Zen Stories to Enlighten

Zen Stories are infused with wisdom, and are considered kōans — a fundamental part of the tradition of Zen Buddhism. They are designed to stop the rational mind so one can transcend the I [...]

Stress-Free Living

Lightness of Being Stress-free Living Through Meditation Don’t you just love it when you’ve had a day or two when you felt completely in harmony with yourself and life? Perhaps you [...]

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