I want to take this opportunity to remind you that where you sit (or stand) is holy ground. And this moment, right now, is a holy moment. Imagine never forgetting it! Imagine awakening to this [...]
“With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.” That was what Ralph Waldo Emerson practiced. Sounds good, living in the now. But how can we keep our focus on [...]
Find Peace Again if Your Zen gets Zapped When you regularly engage in a seated, formal mindfulness practice such as a Mindful Breath Awareness or a Mindful Body Scan, the over-reactivity of the [...]
What are you doing right now? I imagine you are sitting down somewhere, reading this. But what else are you doing? Eating? Listening to music? Hanging out with your family? Planning the rest of [...]
When new meditators come to me for advice, I get excited. That’s because there are so many misconceptions about meditation, I like to set the record straight. I wish someone had done that [...]
From the Introduction of Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation by Sarah McLean There are five essentials to a successful meditation that will put you on the right track. [...]
Here is some advice to settle down before you meditate: Choose a good time to meditate. The best times are early in the morning just after you wake up, and then again at happy hour, right between [...]
Yesterday, before we meditated together during an “Alone Together” guided meditation session, a group of 50 or so meditators was engaged in a discussion during which I asked the [...]
Why do we make resolutions? I know that I make them to get closer to or to fulfill what I feel is my purpose in life. When I resolve to do something or change my perspective, I imagine it will
Some of us are feeling tired, stressed, and a little stir-crazy. Others are worried about personal physical health, and for some, this disruption is taking its mental and emotional toll. Then [...]
How do you view the world? Do you feel as if everything and everyone is on your side? Do you marvel at the good luck you have? If your answer is “yes”, perhaps it’s because you [...]
Life is extremely fast-paced, and people are over-stimulated, over-scheduled, and over-committed. This causes stress. It was recently discovered that over 80% of all doctors’ visits are due to [...]