Loving Cancer

In the early 90’s, Deepak Chopra was becoming well-known as a physician at the forefront of the mind-body healing.  His best sellers, Perfect Health and Quantum Healing were discovered by those [...]

What is the Meaning of Life?

Does anyone really know the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?”  I imagine you want to know what I believe. Perhaps, the meaning and the purpose of life is to become utterly [...]

Be a Superhero

A superhero is ridiculously in charge of his or her attention. They don’t let anyone tell them what they can or can’t do, especially if it has to do with saving the world. In the recent [...]

Your Attention: Your Superpower

Twenty-five years ago when I first started meditating, it all seemed very mysterious, very mystical, and very foreign to my family and friends. But today, meditation and mindfulness have enjoyed [...]