Ho’Oponopono“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you” Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is [...]
Forest Bathing & Mindful WalkingHave you ever been forest bathing? You’ve likely spent time in the woods, but [...]
Moment by Moment: The Practice of MindfulnessWhat are you doing right now? I imagine you are sitting down [...]
Five Essentials for a Successful MeditationFrom the Introduction of Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 [...]
What is Going On in Meditation?If you are reading this you have probably have already meditated for the first time – even [...]
Three Jewels & Taking RefugeThe Three Jewels The concept of the Three Jewels stems from ancient [...]
Reasons to Keep MeditatingAt a recent group meditation, we shared with each other the reasons we [...]
How to Soothe Your Mind Before MeditationHere is some advice to settle down before you meditate: [...]
Why are We In Lockdown? She asked, Rhetorically.Yesterday, before we meditated together during an [...]