A Holy Moment

I want to take this opportunity to remind you that where you sit (or stand) is holy ground. And this moment, right now, is a holy moment. Imagine never forgetting it! Imagine awakening to this [...]

Happy Days (Holidays) are Here Again!

Great Tips for Making the Best of the Holidays! The holidays are here again! Are you still in the state of gratitude from Thanksgiving? Or are you feeling more overwhelmed than grateful as you [...]

Affirm Your Beauty

Some students ask me if affirmations for self-love work. I say, try them! If nothing else, they can help you to become more aware of how you feel about yourself. Let’s work with one now and [...]

Present Moment, Wonderful Moment

“With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.” That was what Ralph Waldo Emerson practiced. Sounds good, living in the now. But how can we keep our focus on [...]

Cultivating the Gratitude Attitude

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a [...]

How to Peacefully Coexist

These past few years, many of us have been challenged and stretched in ways that we’ve never experienced before.  We’ve had to deepen our faith, enhance our patience, pay more [...]

Forest Bathing & Mindful Walking

Have you ever been forest bathing? You’ve likely spent time in the woods, but perhaps you’ve never called it bathing. Forest bathing is a popular practice that has had its resurgence. [...]

The Sound of Silence

“Silence: the fertile ground where the soul is nourished, intuition blossoms, and our spiritual journey is illuminated.” – Sarah McLean, American meditation teacher, author  Imagine waking [...]

Mindfulness & Vowing the Impossible

About 25 years ago I was a resident in a Zen Buddhist training center. For two years, each morning and evening, I would meditate in the zendo alongside fellow priests, monks, and trainees, and we [...]

Peacefinder Practices

Find Peace Again if Your Zen gets Zapped When you regularly engage in a seated, formal mindfulness practice such as a Mindful Breath Awareness or a Mindful Body Scan, the over-reactivity of the [...]

Be the Peace

No one can legislate peace, it’s been tried for centuries. But what each one of us can do, is to be committed to our own internal peace. That’s my aim these days. When you feel pain [...]

Surrender & Remember

A few days ago, I returned from Assisi, Italy where I went on a personal meditation retreat. The life of San Francesco (Saint Francis of Assisi) and his dedication to G-d and his connection to [...]